Comprehensive Data set of One-Hundred-year Solar Filaments (CDOHSF)

Query Form

data type:
observation station:

KODA (191201-197312)    KSO (197306-200312, 200601-200712)

NSO   (196308-198012)    BBSO (200401-200510, 200802-201310)

HSOS (201401-201803)


Data Policy:

The images and data from the Comprehensive Data set of One-Hundred-year Solar Filaments (CDOHSF) can be freely downloaded as public data. However, any public use, web based or paper publications of those data must include an explicit credit to the source: CDOHSF data/images, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Beijing, China.

If you use the data/images in any publications, please refer to these papers and include an acknowledgement to the services:

1. Lin, G.H., Zhu, G.F., Yang, X., Song, Y.L., Zhang, M., Liu, S., Wang, X.F., Su, J.T., et al.: A New Comprehensive Data Set of Solar Filaments of 100 yr Interval. I., 2020, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 249, 11.
